This is from Act for America:
Dear Bruce,
As predictable as the sun coming up in the East, a spokesman for an Islamic organization has condemned Congresswoman Sue Myrick’s “Ten Point Plan” to wake up America to the threat of Islamic terrorism.
Just as predictably, the “condemnation” makes no attempt to refute the plan or make a factual case against it. The reason, as so aptly pointed out below, is that the Muslim spokesman cannot refute the plan. Thus, the “condemnation” consists of the same tired, worn-out, name calling and ad hominem attacks that are standard fare for Islamic apologists. It’s an age-old propaganda technique – if you can’t refute the message, try to destroy the messenger.
We should be encouraged by this lame attempt to smear an honorable Congresswoman. It should motivate us to work even harder to spread the truth about Islamofascism far and wide! The more people see the truth, the more they will recognize that those who try to defend militant Islam have nothing to offer except, well, fear-mongering and name-calling.
Shock horror: Muslim leader condemns Myrick anti-jihad plan!"'Myrick's latest attempt at fighting terrorism is nothing more than a fear campaign,' said Jibril Hough, a spokesman for the Islamic Center of Charlotte. 'It is nothing more than a new McCarthyism, or Myrickism. As Muslims, we have become expendable as politicians like Myrick seek political gain.'
"Myrick said she wants the group to give a point-by-point rebuttal of her plan."
Yes, that would be most interesting. What could Jibril Hough say? Let's go through the
Myrick Plan and see:
1. Investigate all military chaplains endorsed by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was imprisoned for funding a terrorist organization.
Alamoudi is doing
23 years for funding jihad terrorism. Is it possible that some of the military chaplains he endorsed shared his jihadist views? Can Jibril Hough explain why not?
2. Investigate all prison chaplains endorsed by Alamoudi.
Same question as for #1.
3. Investigate the selection process of Arabic translators working for the Pentagon and the FBI.
FBI whistleblower has reported that Arabic translators there cheered the 9/11 attacks. Can Jibril Hough explain why this should not be a cause for concern?
4. Examine the non-profit status of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations has
had several of its officials convicted on jihad terror-related charges, and was
named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding case. Can Jibril Hough explain why its tax-exempt status should not at least be examined?
5. Make it an act of sedition or solicitation of treason to preach or publish materials that call for the deaths of Americans.
Objections, Mr. Hough?
6. Audit sovereign wealth funds in the United States.
If these funds may be used to conduct warfare against the U.S., what exactly is Mr. Hough's objection?
7. Cancel scholarship student visa program with Saudi Arabia until they reform their text books, which she claims preach hatred and violence against non-Muslims.
It is demonstrably true that they do. Does Mr. Hough endorse this?
8. Restrict religious visas for imams who come from countries that don't allow reciprocal visits by non-Muslim clergy.
This is simply in the interests of mutual tolerance and understanding, is it not, Mr. Hough?
9. Cancel contracts to train Saudi police and security in U.S. counterterrorism tactics.
ongoing Saudi financing of the global jihad, what exactly is Mr. Hough's objection?
10. Block the sale of sensitive military munitions to Saudi Arabia.
Same question as #9.
But I doubt that Hough will provide a point-by-point refutation, for the same reason that
John Esposito will not debate me. What can they say?
"Muslim condemns Myrick plan: Senator says she welcomes dialogue on anti-terrorism proposal," by Jim Morrill for the
Charlotte Observer (thanks to Twostellas):
A spokesman for a Charlotte-area Islamic group Monday accused U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick of leading a "fear campaign" with her proposal to curb the expansion of radical Islam.
Myrick, a Charlotte Republican, proposed a 10-point "Wake Up America" plan this month that, among other things, calls for investigations into the selection of the Pentagon's Arabic translators and some Muslim military and prison chaplains.
"Myrick's latest attempt at fighting terrorism is nothing more than a fear campaign," said Jibril Hough, a spokesman for the Islamic Center of Charlotte. "It is nothing more than a new McCarthyism, or Myrickism. As Muslims, we have become expendable as politicians like Myrick seek political gain."
Myrick said she wants the group to give a point-by-point rebuttal of her plan.
"I'd be glad to have a dialogue with them," she said. "The whole point is that we're trying to get people to work together."
Myrick's proposal has also drawn criticism from the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations. One of her proposals was to investigate the group's nonprofit status....
ACT for America P.O. Box 6884 Virginia Beach, VA 23456