You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. - Charles Austin Beard

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mark Steyn: Why the West is going down the drain

Great article by Mark Steyn!

It is now certain that Tehran will get its nukes, and very soon. This is the biggest abdication of responsibility by the Western powers since the 1930s. It is far worse than Pakistan going nuclear, which, after all, was just another thing the CIA failed to see coming. In this case, the slow-motion nuclearization conducted in full view and through years of tortuous diplomatic charades and endlessly rescheduled looming deadlines is not just a victory for Iran but a decisive defeat for the United States. It confirms the Islamo-Sino-Russo-everybody else diagnosis of Washington as a hollow superpower that no longer has the will or sense of purpose to enforce the global order.

Read it all here

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Carly Fiorina, Chuck DeVore, Israel, Islam and Jesse Jackson: Only One Reasonable Choice for California Republicans

Carly Fiorina

So what does Carly Fiorina believe? Does she understand the challenges in the Middle East? Does she understand Iraq and Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas? Can she see through the "rhetoric of peace" that Nasrallah or Ahmedinejad, Abbas or Assad may articulate in an English-language interview with Reuters -- and understand that the same person's Arabic interview with Al Jazeera is more telling? Does she "get" the dangers we face in the coming decade, as Iran assures us that they are not building a nuclear weapon -- even as they continue building?

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Monday, February 01, 2010

Labor Unions Look to Take Down Tea Parties | The FOX Nation

Labor Unions Look to Take Down Tea Parties | The FOX Nation

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California’s Class Warfare: PLAs Pit Union and Non-Union Workers Against Each Other

California’s Class Warfare: PLAs Pit Union and Non-Union Workers Against Each Other

So, without adequate time for all to review the draft, without any backup analysis provided to justify the use of up to $350,000,000 in Measure C taxpayer funds, without giving the public reasonable time to voice their opinions, and with an unemployment rate of over 12% when non-union workers are in even greater need of jobs than union workers…why would three of Riverside’s five board members vote to move forward with a final negotiation anyway? Why the rush? Residents and business owners in Riverside are wondering the same thing, and hope to have the chance to weigh in before the PLA’s final draft is signed.