You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. - Charles Austin Beard

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

NBC's Maceda: After Obama Speech, Gaddafi Likely 'Feeling A Lot Better'

NBC's Maceda: After Obama Speech, Gaddafi Likely 'Feeling A Lot Better' Watch a surprisingly sunny Maceda report on the way President Obama's speech apparently backfired with respect to its main target. Note also that before discussing the speech, Maceda reported that the rebel troops have been turned back at Sirte. Militias loyal to Gaddafi have apparently forced them to retreat.

Follow the link and watch the video!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Obama's Department of Justice Sues School District on Behalf of Hajj-tripping Muslim Teacher - Atlas Shrugs

Obama's Department of Justice Sues School District on Behalf of Hajj-tripping Muslim Teacher - Atlas Shrugs

More Islamic law from the Sharia President of the United States. Is there no end to his madness?

Safoorah Khan had taught middle school math for only nine months in this tiny Chicago suburb when she made an unusual request. She wanted three weeks off for a pilgrimage to Mecca. The school district, faced with losing its only math lab instructor during the critical end-of-semester marking period, said no. Khan, a devout Muslim, resigned and made the trip anyway.

Justice Department lawyers examined the same set of facts and reached a different conclusion: that the school district’s decision amounted to outright discrimination against Khan. They filed an unusual lawsuit, accusing the district of violating her civil rights by forcing her to choose between her job and her faith.

Who starts a teaching job and demands close to a month off for hajj? What teacher would leave her students in the lurch for a month? And who pushed a Justice Department completely at odds with its goals and objectives to "examine" the case of the hajj pilgrim? Islamic supremacists seeking to impose Islam on the public square, that's who. And what justice department would sue on behalf of Muslim Brotherhood-tied Islamic supremacists? Iran? Malaysia? Egypt? No, Obama's America. And Obama has made this the mission of his presidency. This is hardly the first case of the DoJ suing to impose Islam on the secular

Integrity. Our leadership role and the funds entrusted to us by the taxpaying public demand that we maintain the highest levels of integrity and trustworthiness. This affects not only the way we carry ourselves as representatives of the law, but the manner in which we manage the resources entrusted to us to carry out our mission. (from Department of Justice Goals and Objectives) Obama's Department of Justice dropped charges against night stick wielding new Black Panthers carrying weapons while menacing voters and blocking polling places on election day.

But Obama and Holder sued a New Jersey county, alleging it refused to accommodate a Muslim employee's khimar, a religious head covering. Yvette Beshier, a corrections officer in Essex County, NJ, demanded to wear Islamic garb to work. On duty as a corrections officer, she should wear religiously neutral garb. Off duty, she can dress any way she wants. And who can forget the most egregious acts of sabatoge at the DoJ? Lema Bashir, stealth jihadist at Obama's DoJ, sabotaged and disenfranchised the Military vote.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Allen West Does Harry Reid Impersonation

Allen West for President!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2 ex-Dem leaders charged in fake tea party scheme | | The Detroit News

2 ex-Dem leaders charged in fake tea party scheme The Detroit News

Pontiac— Two former high-ranking members of the Oakland County Democratic Party are facing various election corruption charges in a bogus tea party scheme, Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper and County Sheriff Michael Bouchard announced Wednesday.

Former Democratic Party Chairman Michael McGuinness and ex-operations director Jason Bauer, both of Waterford Township, were arraigned Wednesday before Oakland Circuit Judge James Alexander.

They face charges related to Independent Tea Party filings, false affidavits and forged documents that occurred between July 23 and July 26 last year.

Both stood mute to the charges and were released on $25,000 personal bond each, pending an April 13 hearing before Alexander.

The charges include felonies that carry up to 14 years in prison. Neither could be reached for comment

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Outrage! US Government Funding La Raza with Your Tax Dollars - HUMAN EVENTS

Outrage! US Government Funding La Raza with Your Tax Dollars - HUMAN EVENTS

The United States government is funding the National Council of La Raza with our tax dollars. La Raza, which literally means in Spanish “The Race,” is a radical organization that advocates open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens. I pulled and analyzed the tax return Form 990, the form filed by 501(c) 3 organizations to the IRS, and here is what was reported:

Government Grants (contributions) to the National Council of La Raza

2008 Tax Returns, (October 1 2008 to September 30, 2009) $5,136,535

2007 Tax Returns $3,458,351

2006 Tax Returns $3,353,319

Three Year Total $11,948,205

Friday, March 11, 2011

House panel votes to bar EPA tailpipe emission regulations | | The Detroit News

House panel votes to bar EPA tailpipe emission regulations The Detroit News

Washington— A House panel approved a bill to block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating tailpipe emissions — but the measure's future is uncertain.
The bill sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Rep. Ed Whitfield, R-Ky., would overturn a 2007 Supreme Court decision that said the EPA has the legal right to regulate tailpipe emissions as a danger to public health under the Clean Air Act.
The committee's Energy and Power subcommittee, after two hours of debate, approved the measure by a voice vote. House Republicans are putting the measure on a fast track, with opening statements planned for Monday by the full committee and a vote by the full House later this month.
The 2007 Supreme Court decision opened the door to California imposing its own tailpipe emissions limits. The prospect of state and federal emissions limits has been harshly criticized by automakers.From The Detroit News:

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Wis. Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Walker « CBS Minnesota

Wis. Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Walker « CBS Minnesota

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin has filed an ethics complaint against Gov. Scott Walker for statements made during a recorded prank phone call.

The complaint that’s been filed with the Government Accountability Board claims Walker violated ethics regulations, including those prohibiting use of state
offices for political purposes.

Monday’s complaint says Walker’s statements asking campaign contributors for support constituted “illegal third-party coordination” in violation of campaign finance regulations.

Walker made the statements during a call with a blogger posing as David Koch, a Walker campaign contributor.

Can you say 'set-up'?!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Sen. Boxer on PBS cuts: 'Republicans have a vendetta against Elmo' - The Hill's Floor Action

Sen. Boxer on PBS cuts: 'Republicans have a vendetta against Elmo' - The Hill's Floor Action

This just proves that the woman is brain dead and thanks to my fellow brain dead Californians we're stuck with this mental midget for 6 more years!