You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. - Charles Austin Beard

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

With the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 coming up I wanted to re-post the bio of Joseph that I did for the fifth anniversary.

In August 2001, eight years after joining the New York City Fire Department, Joseph P. Spor Jr. transferred into Rescue 3 in the Bronx.It was where he belonged all along.Spor, the youngest of six children and the only boy, had finally caught up to his namesake father, who was also a firefighter and also a member of Rescue 3, also known as Big Blue.It had taken the younger Spor a while to get there. After graduating from Iona College, Spor became a Manhattan financial analyst. But office work never really suited him, and in 1994 he switched careers, joining Ladder Company 38, also in the Bronx.Away from the firehouse, Spor worked with his hands as a contractor, building decks and cabinets. He put his talent for carpentry to work at his own home in Somers, N.Y., where he and and Colleen, his wife of nine years, were raising four children, ages 6 years to 9 months. One of his final projects was a playroom for the kids.An avid weightlifter, Spor was in such terrific shape that his fellow firefighters believed he was darn near indestructible.The 35-year-old firefighter was in the south tower of the World Trade Center when it collapsed.

Read more about Joseph here and here

God bless Joseph, his family and America

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Articles: Will Obama Keep Power 'by Any Means Necessary'?

Articles: Will Obama Keep Power 'by Any Means Necessary'?

Let's go there: if Obama thinks he's losing, will he allow safe and fair elections on November 6? And if he does lose, will he peacefully turn over power to Mitt Romney on January 20, 2013? Or will he cling to power "by any means necessary," as a highly placed insider alleges?

Now, I'm truly sorry to raise such disgusting, un-American, crazy-sounding questions, but, alas, they're not crazy, and I've got a disquieting amount of evidence. The Democrats have already accused Romney of murdering a woman with cancer, financial felonies, and not filing taxes for ten years -- the last charge delivered by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate floor, on the basis of absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

By Democrat standards, I've got enough proof to put away Obama, et al. for life without parole.

Whatever chicanery Obama and his investors may be contemplating, it will probably unfold against some gargantuan crisis, manufactured or otherwise. So cast your mind back to September 11, 2001, the day of the New York mayoral primary.

In the chaos after the attacks, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who was term-limited from running, pleaded that his leadership was essential and that he should be granted an extra three months in office after his term ran out on January 1. Giuliani's unprecedented power-grab was rightfully scorned by his eventual successor, Michael Bloomberg. So what did Bloomberg do when he ran into term limits? He deployed his multi-billion-dollar fortune to manipulate the law and buy himself a quasi-legal third term, claiming that only he had the expertise to handle the 2008 financial crisis.

My point? Politicians a great deal more conventional than Obama have loathed giving up power, and they have used crises and unethical machinations to try to keep it.

Read more:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The real Velvet Revolution and Brett Kimberlin

By Michelle Malkin • June 14, 2012 09:07 AM
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Bloggers are letting it shine, shine, shine down on convicted Speedway Bomber/vexatious litigant/online harasser Brett Kimberlin and his shady Velvet Revolution.
You can help by spreading the word, Facebooking, tweeting, blogging, and e-mailing the truth:
Brett Kimberlin stole the Velvet Revolution. We’re stealing it back.

Brett Kimberlin, and his associate Brad Friedman, do not own the name “Velvet Revolution”. They do not, and cannot, claim trademark or copyright protection in the term, because in the realm of politics, where Kimberlin and Friedman seek to meddle, the term “Velvet Revolution” is more generic than “Jell-O”.
Likewise, we do not own the name “Velvet Revolution”. No one owns the term. The Czechs and Slovaks who put their lives on the line in 1989 have a pretty strong moral claim, but they’re all in MittelEuropa. The Czechs and Slovaks have bigger problems than one terrorist moonbat making a mockery of a First Amendment that they don’t have anyway.
So we’re taking the name back, for them.
What are your demands?
Our needs are simple. We seek to drive Brett Kimberlin’s fake Velvet Revolution into third place, or lower, on a Google search for the term. We estimate that we can do this within six months. Eventually we’d like to knock Wikipedia out of the top spot, but all things in their time.
We seek to replace Brett Kimberlin’s fake Velvet Revolution with a fake Velvet Revolution of our own, a Velvet Revolution that tells the truth about Kimberlin and his henchmen, in order that past and potential donors to Kimberlin, such as George Soros, may be fully informed about who is cashing the checks.
Great. How do you propose to accomplish this?
Imagine Google, and its competitors Bing and Yahoo, in terms of politics.
Individual searches are like issues. The websites to which those searches lead are like constituencies. Large, highly trafficked websites, like Boing Boing, tend to be heard first where smaller, non-specialist websites are relegated to page 10, just as the bankers at J. P. Morgan get private White House audiences when ordinary citizens who want to meet the President have to pay $15.00 to enter a lottery and pray that Sarah Jessica Parker draws their names out of a hat.
But just as little people can gather to make their voices heard on important issues, a multitude of smaller websites can drown out the majors, through links. Eventually, whatever they’re linking to rises to the top of the search result…
…We’re in it because we are offended, because we are committed anti-Communists, committed Czechophiles, and because we hate what Brett Kimberlin and his ilk are doing to this country.
Our only reward is the satisfaction of a job well done, and eventually, an enraged frivolous lawsuit from Brett Kimberlin or VelvetRevolution.US, Inc.
We recognize that this site will live or die, will rise or fall, on its own merits and the quality of its writing. We’re confident in ourselves, and we’re confident in you, our readers. All four of you.
Do it for the Czechs.
Do it to support and protect the freedom to blog.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Trailer: Rumors of War III

Friday, April 06, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

American flag with President Obama's image sparks outrage at Florida Democrats

An American flag with President Obama's image in place of the stars flew over a Florida county's Democrat headquarters long enough to enrage local veterans who called the altered banner "a disgrace."

Lake County Democratic Party officials took down the flag, which flew just below a standard Old Glory on the flagpole outside headquarters in Tavares following complaints by local veterans. But merely taking it down wasn't enough for several local veterans, who said they fought for the flag Betsy Ross made famous, not one with a politician on it.

This is a new low even for democrats!!

Read more:

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Part of $11M grant for Detroit job seekers only aided 2

Government strikes again!

To receive clothing, residents were required to have a job interview scheduled. According to the audit, the DHS was supposed to help 400 people between October 2010 and September 2011 but instead served only two."The DHS was only able to provide the auditors with two referral forms signed by two clients documenting that they received clothing from the boutique," the audit said. "Eligible Detroiters are not being served with available clothing being stocked in the boutique."The department did not give a reason for not reaching the goal of providing 400 people with clothes.The audit found the Department of Human Services hired a contractor to run the boutique. The contractor negotiated the purchase of clothing without involving city officials and did not give them keys to the center.The contractor also did not provide proof of the receipt of the clothing to auditors."The potential loss of housands of dollars exists because controls have not been established for the boutique," the audit said. "…failure to maintain an adequate inventory system results in the inability to efficiently monitor and safeguard inventory and to identify inventory losses from theft and damages."

Friday, February 03, 2012

Pelosi Vows to Stand With Obama Against Catholic Church | Vision to America

Pelosi Vows to Stand With Obama Against Catholic Church Vision to America

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) vowed today that she will join with the Obama administration in standing up against the Catholic Church in defending a new regulation that will require Catholic individuals to buy, and Catholic institutions to provide, health insurance plans that cover sterilizations and artificial contraceptives, including those that induce abortions.