You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. - Charles Austin Beard

Monday, June 21, 2010

Obama-mind numb robot-following infamous “New World Order” footsteps

Obama-mind numb robot-following infamous “New World Order” footsteps

President Obama on Saturday revealed a chilling glimpse of a new national security doctrine that sounds very much like echoes from the past. In a commencement speech to the graduating class at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the president outlined his departure from “American internationalism." Instead, Obama pledged more of his soft apologetic rhetoric to gain favor and likeability in the world in order to shape a new "international order" (liberal socialist translation “New World Order”) based on apologies, meekness and boot licking. (Feeling a chill or tingle yet?)

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